About Me - Panote Nuchprayoon

About Me

Personal Philosophy

If you’ve had the chance to explore my body of work, you might have noticed my genuine passion for interdisciplinary pursuits and love for art x technology. For me, the beauty lies in embracing diverse fields rather than limiting myself to just one. Why focus solely on mastering one thing when there’s a whole world of knowledge to discover? By delving into various disciplines, I gain invaluable insights and view the world through multiple lenses, which enriches my problem-solving approach.

Some may refer to this as “jack of all trades, master of none,” but I see it as embodying the spirit of a Renaissance person. Embracing multiple areas of expertise allows me to truly understand the intricacies of our complex world and fosters a creative and well-rounded perspective.

In essence, being a “Renaissance person” allows me to find connections between seemingly unrelated realms and fosters a sense of continuous learning and growth. I am genuinely excited to face new challenges with an open mind and the knowledge that my diverse skill set empowers me to tackle them from various angles. Let’s celebrate the joy of exploration and the beauty of being a modern-day polymath!


As previously mentioned, I embrace a multidisciplinary approach, constantly seeking to explore diverse fields. Music and dance hold a special place in my heart, as they offer unique ways to understand and connect with the world. Music theory, in particular, captivates me with its fascinating intricacies.

If the opportunity arises, I would be absolutely humbled to share a jam session with you and learn from what you have to offer. My musical journey has led me to become proficient in playing the bass, guitar, and drums.

Thank you so much for visiting my website!

I hope you learned something about orangutans and how you can help them!


Panote, a Thai person with white glasses and long straight hair, smiling in from of a lush green shrubbery